terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2009


No Sertão das Carrancas vivia um padre que era muito estimado pelo povo. Pois era muito bondoso, ajudava os pobres e vivia uma vida simples sem regalias e bens materiais.Já estava idoso e tinha muitos anos que era vigário naquela freguesia. Estava cansado e fraco, pois suas ovelhas de Cristo tomavam todo o seu tempo para fazer confissões.Todos os dias acordava e ia direto para a igreja matriz para escutar as confissões das beatas. Algumas iam todos os dias para se confessarem e pedir-lhe a absolvição dos pecados cometidos. Ao terminar todas as confissões as mulheres sentiam-se mais aliviadas, e o padre Toledo Taques cansado de tantas confissões.Então o padre em certa noite teve a idéia de dividir o trabalho das confissões das mulheres. Organizou um roteiro que seria lido na missa do próximo domingo na matriz da freguesia.No domingo marcado, quando terminou a missa, o padre pediu um minuto da atenção dos fiéis da paróquia, pois iria ler o roteiro das confissões das mulheres. E falou assim:___Minhas queridas devotas de Cristo! Estou velho e cansado, tenho trabalhado muito ultimamente com as confissões. Como o número de mulheres pecadoras cresceu muito nesses tempos para cá, resolvi fazer um roteiro para agilizar o serviço do confessionário e diminuir o trabalho que eu estava tendo com o grande número de confissões. A partir dessa semana as confissões serão assim: na segunda-feira confessarei as maldizentes. Na terça-feira as ladras. Na quarta-feira as hipócritas. Na quinta-feira as bêbadas e infiéis aos maridos. Na sexta-feira as feiticeiras e mentirosas. No sábado as preguiçosas e no domingo as comilonas e outros tipos de pecados.Desse dia por diante nenhuma daquelas santas beatas voltou a confessar naquela freguesia, e o padre Lourenço de Toledo Taques viveu ainda muitos anos na santa paz do Senhor. THE PRIEST SCRIPT TOLEDO TAQUES In the Hinterland of the Figureheads a priest lived who was very esteem for the people. Therefore he was very kind, he helped the poor persons and he lived a simple life without exemptions and corporeal properties. Already he was aged and he had many years that were vicar in that clientele. He was tired and weak, therefore its sheep of Christ took its time all to make confessions. Every day it woke up and it went direct for the first church to listen to the confessions of the very devout women. Some went every day to confess and to ask for to it absolution to it of the committed sins. When finishing all the confessions the women were felt alliviated more, and the priest Toledo tired Taques of as many confessions. Then the priest in certain night had the idea to divide the work of the confessions of the women. He organized a script that would be read in the mass of the next sunday in the matrix to the clientele. In the marked sunday, when he finished the mass, the priest asked for one minute of the attention of the fidiciary offices of the parish, therefore he would go to read the script of the confessions of the women. E spoke thus: ___Minhas wanted devoted of Christ! I am old and tired, I have worked very lately with the confessions. As the number of pecadoras women grew very in these times for here, I decided to make a script to speed the service of the confessional and to diminish the work that I was having with the great number of confessions. From this week the confessions will be thus: in the monday I will confess the maldizentes. In you bark them to the tuesday. In the Wednesday the hypocritical ones. In the thursday the drunks and infidels to the husbands. In the friday the witches and liars. In Saturday sluggish and the sunday comilonas and other types of sins. Of this day for ahead none of those saints very devout women he came back to confess in that clientele, and the Lourenço priest de Toledo Taques still lived many years in the saint peace Mr.

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